Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My 'Cherry' Post!

Well here I am! My first blog entry in my first ever blog.

In many ways, it's the best of times, in even more ways, it's the worst. I can remember being a child and my dear aunt told me about living through the depression, where butter was mixed half and half with lard because it was cheaper. I'm not sure things are that bad yet, but it's undeniable that many are struggling. For those that have been hit by the recession, or just want to save a buck or two, I'll be blogging with money-saving tips, household shortcuts, recipes, anything I can get my hands on to leave you with a little less work or a little more money in your pocket at the end of the day.

A little about me - I'm 23, have two kids (three if you count their dad), ages 1 and 3, I'm a college student, a bit of a shopping addict, I love to cook, I'm obsessively clean, and the saying 'penny-wise, pound-foolish' was tailor made for me. And boy can I be penny-wise, and it's those tips that I'll be sharing with you. I'm Canadian, so if I talk about products or services, they are mostly Canadian, but I live right on the US border and do a lot of shopping there, so I have the best of both worlds. However, the lifestyle of a recessionista is universal! Welcome Recessionistas!

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